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Reflections of Bike to Work Day

For Bike to Work Week, we’re taking a look at this year’s Florida Bike Month events as seen through the eyes of KiDZ Neurosicence Center staff member, Kurt Kaminer: On one day of every year, traffic on US-1 gets passed by something that isn’t the Metrorail: A huge group of happy, cheery bicycle riders on […]

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VIDEO: BikeSafe’s 2015 Bike to School Day Ride

On May 6th -in celebration of National Bike to School Day, the University of Miami BikeSafe program and Miami-Dade Public Schools collaborated in bringing Bike to School Day to North Dade Middle School in Miami Gardens. The event began at nearby Bunche Park, where Fusion Pro Bike Shop assisted the students pre-ride with maintenance checks on their bikes. After the bike […]

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