The Value of Protected Bike Lane Education

If safety is the point of bike education, then it is remiss not to discuss the type of bike lanes that afford the greatest level of safety.
If safety is the point of bike education, then it is remiss not to discuss the type of bike lanes that afford the greatest level of safety.
During an uncomfortable and brilliant presentation last year, Shavon Arline-Bradley addressed a room of over 500 Safe Routes to School conventioneers, boldly bringing related racism, discrimination, injustice, segregation, and social isolation to the discussion of transportation and health. No euphemisms. No soft language. The presentation’s title? The Elephant in the Room. Ms. Arline-Bradley, former Director […]
For teachers, it can be a day without lesson plans. For kids, it can be like the book fair; an exciting outdoor happening that escapes the dreary boundaries of the four classroom walls. Walk to School Day can be so many things all at once. For us, it is a reminder that walking is a […]
Since our BikeSafe Program was founded in 2011, we have had the good fortune to be a part of two bicycle giveaways hosted by legendary NBA players. With the help of Giant Bicycles and local bike shop Mack Cycle, Shane Battier’s Take Charge Foundation and Ray Allen’s Ray of Hope Foundation were able to give […]
In two weeks, we will be gleefully lost in a sea of hundreds of screaming students, joyous to be part of Walk to School Day – or perhaps happy just to be goofing off before class. We were kids ourselves once. While some of our youngest participants may not grasp what the hubbub will be […]